Figuring out if you’re dealing with real depression or just a temporary funk can be tough. Here’s a simple way to think about it…  A funk is usually short-term and often related to specific events or situations. You might be feeling down because of stress at work, a breakup, or just having a bad week. In a funk, you might still have good moments or days where you feel better. Depression, on the other hand, is more long-term and affects your daily life in a big way. It’s not just about feeling sad now and then; it’s about feeling down most of the time for weeks or even months. Depression can make it hard to enjoy things you used to like, mess with your sleep and appetite, and seriously affect your energy and motivation.

How to Tell the Difference

Duration | If you’ve been feeling low for a couple of weeks or longer, and it’s not improving, it might be more than just a funk.

Impact| If your mood is affecting your ability to do everyday stuff like schoolwork, hanging out with friends, or taking care of yourself, it could be depression.

Intensity | Depression often brings a deep sense of hopelessness and worthlessness. If your feelings are intense and persistent, it’s worth talking to a professional.

Physical Symptoms | Depression can mess with your sleep, appetite, and energy levels in a more pronounced way than just feeling “off.”

If you’re not sure what’s going on, talking to a trusted adult or a mental health professional can help you figure it out and get the support you need. It’s always good to reach out if you’re feeling down!